Broomball tournament
A Tradition
For more than 45 years, the Broomball Tournament has been a major sporting event in the community of the Royal Military Colleges of Canada.
True to tradition, the Alumni of the CMR Alumni Association, in partnership with the CMRSJ Cadet Division, continue to plan and conduct this tournament annually.
It allows teams of cadets and former students to meet in an atmosphere that is both friendly and competitive. It is also an opportunity to create ties and discuss their experiences within the Military Colleges and in the Canadian Armed Forces.
2021 Virtual Edition
To replace the tournament, the Fort Saint-Jean branch held the Big Broomball Trivia Game on January 22, 2021. As part of the initiative Virtually yours , more than 50 people participated in this activity.
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all participants!
1st place
Eric Beaucage
2nd place
Andre Champagne
3rd place
Rene Poulin
Other winners
Mathieu Remy, Marc Benoit, Caleb Richards and Christian Picard