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Broomball tournament

A Tradition

For more than 45 years, the Broomball Tournament has been a major sporting event in the community of the Royal Military Colleges of Canada.

True to tradition, the Alumni of the CMR Alumni Association, in partnership with the CMRSJ Cadet Division, continue to plan and conduct this tournament annually.

It allows teams of cadets and former students to meet in an atmosphere that is both friendly and competitive. It is also an opportunity to create ties and discuss their experiences within the Military Colleges and in the Canadian Armed Forces.

CMR St-Jean Broomball Tournament – 48th Edition (January 2023)


The planning team for the next edition of the tournament which, in a normal context would take place in January 2023, is currently looking for alternative solutions to make this flagship event of the Fort St-Jean Chapter a reality.  


These efforts are necessary since the Vanier Pavilion sports complex will not be available in January 2023 since it will be undergoing major renovations which will be spread over a period of several months.


As you surely know, the last edition of the tournament was exceptionally held in November 2021, rather than in January 2022 since the renovations were to start early in January 2022.  Unfortunately, at the time of this writing (March 2022), work has not yet started.


This page will be kept up to date to inform you of the situation.

Comme vous pouvez le constater le dynamisme, la fougue et l'esprit de compétition est à son comble. Vous y verrez 33 équipes de femmes et d'hommes dont l'unique objectif est d'accéder à la plus haute marche lors de la remise des trophées le dimanche le 9 février 2025. Vous retrouverez 15 équipes formées d'ancien.nes, 18 équipes d'aspm/élofs du CMR  Saint-Jean et de RMC et une équipe américaine. 

Le 7 février 2025, le Col Guillaume Tremblay accompagné d'une équipe  fera la mise au jeu. Pour marquer le 50e anniversaire les équipes de Saddam et de quatrième année entreront sur la glace avec une musique d'ambiance.

Obtenez un bulletin d'information à l'entrée du Vanier



15 rue Jacques Cartier North
Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu (QC) J3B 8R8


office:   450 358-6551
cell: 450-272-8802

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